The Only Solution to Sin - April 2023
Dear Church
There are some powerful forces at play in the world around us today, and not all are good: political power is wielded to promote some crazy ideas, military might is trying to destroy people and other nations, and ideologues can be unreasonable and combative as they promote and push their beliefs on others.
But a follower of Christ has nothing to worry about these influences and in fact has access to the greatest power of all: the blood of Jesus. As 1 John 1: 7 tells us; “the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin”. Sin is the root cause of the all mess and darkness in the world, and the only solution for this is the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, bringing healing, cleansing and victory over sin’s effects.
John Wesley, the famous English evangelist, lived with this power and coupled it with the power of proclaiming the Word of God – in fact he shared this very verse to one man that brought about remarkable change…
Wesley was returning home from a service one night when he was attacked and robbed. The thief stole the small amount of money Wesley had with him, but as he was leaving, Wesley called out, “Stop! I have something more to give you.” The surprised robber turned around. “My friend,” Wesley said, “you may live to regret this sort of life. If you ever do, here’s something to remember: ‘The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin!’“. The thief took off and Wesley prayed that his words would touch the man’s heart and help him turn to God. Years later, Wesley was greeting people after a Sunday service when he was approached by a stranger. This well-dressed man explained he was a successful businessman, a follower of Christ, and that he was the one who had robbed him years earlier! “I owe it all to you,” the transformed man said. “Oh no, my friend,” Wesley replied, “not to me, but to the precious blood of Christ - that cleanses us from all sin!”
What a great story – what a great example of the power of the light of the gospel overcoming the power of darkness, of the truth of God’s word impacting someone enough to see their life completely turned around (not to mention the grace that John Wesley carried so that he witnessed to the robber rather than just feel sorry for himself!).
So as we approach Easter this week, let’s remember and appreciate the great power of the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus, and how his blood has been shed for the forgiveness of our sins – and let’s share this truth just as Wesley did, wherever we go, and to whoever we encounter (hopefully not someone trying to rob you).
Blessings, Chris